Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Just in time for Texas Digital Awareness Week is a great site for parents who are not as tech savvy as their kids. It has a bunch of resources for parents so that they can understand what the digital age is about.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Best free calculator app

MyScript Calculator is a free calculator app available for iOS and Android. It takes handwritten input which makes it really easy to use.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

PLN's ( Personal Learning Networks )

While this looks very interesting, I have not had a chance to connect to other teachers online. I think i'll set this up in summer months when  I have more time to do this. I'm currently reading and researching flipping the classroom and this would be a great way to start my PLN with teachers who are excellent in how they implement flipping their classrooms.

After today's meeting, I feel much better about developing my PLN. I do follow people and topics on twitter and through RSS feeds and all the sources on my infographic.

I'm now following 3 Tech Ninja's. Although I like the Reflection app I think I'm just going to get myself an AppleTv or just bring one of my Apple TV's from home and a Kanex HDMI to VGA converter for my classroom..

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Reflection on January Article

I've used many of the web 2.0 tools I have learned as an ETrainer. There are a few I particularly like since my students love them also. Edmodo being the first on on the list since I can posts all notes, assignments and other school related stuff on it. What I may want to do next school year is give the kids 90 minutes every other night where I will be actively monitoring Edmodo and answer any of their questions during said  90 minutes.

As upper school math department chair, i also set up an Edmodo account for all the math teachers at WAIS so we can communicate and post on it without having to search our emails which gets pretty full throughout the week. Important documents are shared through Edmodo.

I use Edmodo for student reflections which also makes very easy to track students replies.

While I have tried blogging before, students are not particularly receptive with leaving comments on the blog. I find they leave more comments on Edmodo. I guess they feel more secure on Edmodo.

I'm also a Mac person so I find most tools on a Mac easier to use than PC based or web based apps. But I consider myself lucky that i can easily work with both OS with no problems.

While I've used Stupeflix, I find iMovie much easier to use but I can understand why Stupeflix is better for most students since many don't have personal iMacs or MacBooks to work with.

I wish there were more online support for my higher level math courses. Khan Academy and WolframAlpha are great but it's more video presentations which I think is great but not really geared for higher level thinking skills.

I guess we all choose what we feel comfortable with with all the tools available to us and stick to it and get really good at using it.